Why Is There A Quran Page on the Floor in Fireman Sam?


Fireman Sam and his firefighters usually ensure that the residents in the fictional Welsh rural village of Pontypandy are safe and protected against fires. The community oriented fireman has been in existence since 1987. A well-known brand, Fireman Sam has also promoted fire safety and generally has stayed away from issues of controversy given that the target audience has been young children.

Yet, in this 2014 production of Fireman Sam, (which has been sent to us by 4 separate people today), Fireman Sam seems to slip over when bringing in teas for his colleagues and with the result that as he slips and falls, a Qu’ran page flies into the air. (The Qu’ran page in question is actually from the Chapter ‘Al-Mulk’ – The Sovereignty, verse 14).

The impression given by those reporting into us is that this was deliberately done. Yet, the bizarre and random nature of a Qu’ran page in a Fireman Sam animation flying up into the air does raise the question as to what was it doing in this animation in the first place? Furthermore, this may seem like a trivial matter to some, but the impacts around such matters do affect perceptions. Those reporting into us believe that the Qu’ran page was on the floor and that the fireman slipped on the page.

In the end, what seems like a trivial matter to some, is certainly not a trivial matter to others who believe in the sanctity of holy texts. Maybe, some care can be taken in the future on including sacred religious texts when there is no relevance to the story whatsoever.



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Categories: Channel 5, Fireman Sam, Koran, Opinions, Quran

If your name is Islam, you may want to read this



Teacher Told to Turn His Hoodie With His Name On It, Inside-Out – ‘Don’t Be Seen Or Heard’ Seems to Be What Some Want for Muslims

So, a 32 year old British Asian male decided to go to the Coach and Horses pub in Hertford. A school teacher from Hatfield, he had been undertaking the Duke of Edinburgh scheme and was simply thirsty for a Coke and decided to get one from a pub.

Having entered the pub, they got their drinks and went to sit outside in the sun. The teacher had been wearing a Duke of Edinburgh Scheme ‘hoodie’ with his surname at the back of it. His surname is ‘Islam’.

After a few minutes of getting settled and starting on their thirst quenching drinks, the pub landlord approached the teacher and politely said,

“I feel quite uncomfortable asking you to do this but could you turn your hoodie inside out as its making some of the customers feel uncomfortable?”

The teacher was a bit confused by this request but turned it inside out and his friend said,

“Its probably because of what happened in France last night, (the Nice terrorist attack)”.

The young teacher had not seen the news and thought there may have been a fight with a handful of Asians in the pub which elicited the reaction. When he realised that it was simply because of his surname, he got up and walked away from the pub and made contact with us in Tell MAMA.

He provided this comment to Tell MAMA,

“I am quite shocked and annoyed that I was targeted just because some people in the pub put their bigotry into action. Exactly what did I have to do with the heinous crimes in Paris? I just wanted a quite drink and to quench my thirst with a Coke. Instead I came across intolerance and bigotry.”


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Categories: anti-Islam, Coach and Horses, Duke of Edinburgh, Hertford, News, pubs, teacher

Turkey’s Hizmet Purge Is Seeping into the UK Creating Fear in Some Communities

Turkey Re-ammended Coup Pic


Over the weekend, we have received 5 reports from individuals who are involved in the delivery of social services here in the UK and who are of Turkish heritage. Law abiding citizens, they have been involved in voluntary service and interfaith activities and have started to receive texts, from within Turkey and beyond the country and which have been circulated far and wide.

The text messages ask for individuals who receive them to inform on members of the Gulen or Hizmet movement and the messages are laced with suggestions that action needs to be taken. The impact of these messages is to create fear within members of the Hizmet movement in the United Kingdom and who are active in social work within and beyond Muslim communities.

We are listing this issue and do not want to comment on Turkey’s internal affairs. They are an issue for Turkey and it is not our remit in Tell MAMA to do so. What we are concerned with, is that issues are spilling into the UK and with large communities of Turkish and Kurdish heritage. These texts are causing fear and are targeted at a group that is Muslim and which is as they say, are in the ‘eye of the storm’ in Turkey. The politics of Turkey is therefore bleeding into the targeting of a specific group of Muslims in the UK and who are part of the Gulen movement. This makes it relevant to us.

We would like to stress that what is needed are cool heads and calm at this period of time. No-one in the UK should be targeted for what is taking place in Turkey and we understand the depth and strength of feeling from members of the public in Turkey against the murderous coup that took place. We will continue to monitor impacts here in the UK and if anyone receives such texts, (listed below), please do get in touch with us and we will progress these through relevant law enforcement channels.






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Categories: Coup, Dialogue Society, Gulen Movement, HIzmet, News, Opinions, text messages, Turkey, UK

Appropriating Tragedies to Promote Further Bigotry – the LGBT Stockton on Tees March

Tommy English


Anyone coming across this page would rightly think that this silent march was something that would not only show solidarity against the senseless murder of so many people enjoying a night out in the US, it would also provide an opportunity for communities to come together.

Far Right fronts

Nothing on this Facebook page would point to the motives behind such a page and where community issues are being appropriated as potential fronts to draw in people who may have some deeply questionable views. A further investigation into this page shows that the organiser of the event is one ‘Tommy’. A further drill down into the background of the organiser brings forward the following, someone named Tommy English.


Tommy English proudly lists ‘Kafir’ in Arabic in his Twitter profile, a good indicator that we are looking at someone who may have sympathies with anti-Muslim views. Further information that we have received has highlighted Tommy English as Tommy Cook, the former leader of the EDL’s LGBT Division.

The number of people with far right sympathies who have ‘Kafir’ in their social media accounts is substantive and we also highlighted the link between the high number of far right activists involved in anti-Muslim hatred online recently in our 2015 Tell MAMA annual report. 

The link between far right activism and online hatred against Muslims is extremely troubling and spiked again in 2015.

Tommy English

A further glance at English’s Twitter account shows the terms #Pegida and #Shariawatch indicating strong sympathies with the anti-Muslim group Pegida and sympathies with ShariaWatch, run by one Anne  Marie Waters. Waters recently became involved with Pegida, which is headed up by Paul Weston, who has previously said the following:

“If I want to avoid a civil war happening in my country, I am prepared to accept being called a racist

Waters has also been caught making the following statements and which were reported in the Daily Mirror in early 2015:

“Ms Waters, who hopes to become MP for Lewisham East, South East London, was also filmed telling an undercover reporter “a lot of people need to be deported” and “many mosques need to be closed down”.

What is also interesting to note is that Waters will be speaking at this march organised by English.

Supporting and Standing in Solidarity with Other Communities

It is only right and moral to stand with other communities and Jewish and LGBT communities have recently been targeted for terrorist atrocities. Standing with, empathising and ensuring our joint security is key as is standing up for each other when targeted.

If you would like to support organisations working on equality and LGBT issues, we would urge you to support great organisations like the Peter Tatchell Foundation, Stonewall and Galop.






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Categories: #WeStandwithOrlando, Anne Marie Waters, Far Right groups, Galop, LGBT rally, Muslim, News, Paul Weston, Sharia Watch, Stockton on Tees, Stonewall, Tommy English

65 Year Old Taxi Driver in Rotherham Racially Abused & Told to ‘Go Home’

Taxi Drivers 1


Elderly Muslim Taxi Driver Has Abuse Hurled At Him Whilst Servicing Customers

A 65 year-old taxi driver was abused in Rotherham, a town that has suffered an intense media focus after a grooming scandal that rocked it and which affected the lives of over 1,400 young girls.

The visibly Muslim taxi driver with a prayer cap was the target of an unprovoked incident where he was approached by a white male whilst he was in his vehicle, and who hurled abuse at him. The perpetrator maintained the abuse for some time whilst the driver was trying to take a fare from his passengers.  He was called a “bl**k bas***d” and told to “get back to your country”.

Rotherham has generated numerous incidents and more recently, 81-year-old Muslim pensioner, Mushin Ahmed, was viciously killed by a white male whilst on his way to a  mosque. The term ‘groomer’ was used during the brutal murder of Mushin Ahmed.

We will continue to support local victims in Rotherham and work to try and achieve some justice for them.


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Categories: 1400, anti-Muslim hate, grooming, hate crime, News, Pakistani heritage, Rotherham, taxi driver

Visit to the GP Ends in Anti-Muslim Bigotry

HIjabi Female


We received the following case from a member of the public today.

The young female who wears a Hijab went for her blood test results and her GP went through the results and responded that the patient’s Vitamin D blood test results had come back normal. All well and good apart from the fact that the GP overstepped boundaries by saying,

“You’re an intelligent person, do you choose to wear that?”

The reference was to the Hijab of the patient to which the patient replied, “yes of course.”

The GP carried on with her bizarre comments by stating:

“In your country there’s a lot of sun, but here you need to get out more because there’s not enough sunshine.”

Shocked by this second barb at the identity of the patient, the young Muslim female stated,

“This is my country and I am British.”

The response from the GP just made matters worse when she stated,

“I mean your country back home.”

No doubt the patient has lodged a formal complaint on what should have been a regular feedback session on some blood results.


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Categories: Aiden Fletcher, British Muslim, GP, Hijab, News

Muslim woman spat on and nobody intervened to help



The day should have fallen by the wayside, productive if uneventful, where nothing out of the ordinary occurred. It was a Saturday after all, a day to relax. But for one Muslim woman, who we will call A, reflecting on the events of this day are a source of pain.

It was July 2, 2016, and A was with her children at a McDonald’s within her local supermarket superstore. The room was expectedly loud and crowded. Her young children switched between food and their crayon options. For A, who was fasting, she welcomed a chance to rest and wait to collect her prescription.

The serenity of the everyday was broken by a group of two men and a pregnant woman who demanded their seats. The woman had placed her child of around 10 or 11 months down on the table before berating A.

Her tone sought confrontation as she told A to “get out” and then informed her that “you come here to take advantage”.  The comments were also directed at her children.

No person around them, despite the busy atmosphere, interrupted or intervened on A’s behalf. The diatribe went on for ten minutes. A’s efforts to diffuse the situation grew more desperate after the pregnant woman threatened to ‘lamp’ her.

What A did not expect, however, was an act of violence from elsewhere. One of the men, in his oversized clothes, stood up and said to A: “Shut the f*ck up and sit down before I lamp you”. Despite the hood covering most of his face, A later recalled the burning rage in his eyes. She had challenged him saying, “calm down, I’ve done nothing wrong”.

He then spat in her face. A had to push him aside to get herself and her children to safety. The man was at least 5’8 and A stood below 5 feet. The power dynamics were all too clear. A fled fearing further violence as the third man attempted to calm the pregnant woman.

Staff had finally intervened but the abusive group had attempted to lay the blame on A.

The McDonald’s staff member then declined A’s request for an escort from the building. A was informed that she could wait for the abusive group to leave instead.

At no point did A speak with or receive support from security in the superstore. When A queried this issue, a member of staff informed her of a ‘problem’ with security.

The only comfort A found was in the presence of a stranger – another Muslim woman who also wears the hijab. Now, someone had taken her aside, comforted her and hugged her, told her of her bravery, and to report to this incident to Tell MAMA.

This trauma might have convinced A to remove her hijab and to feel like she did something wrong. Yet to hear a supportive voice offers its own catharsis and helps a person claim ownership of their pain and trauma. What happened to A was abhorrent and compounded by the failure of those around her to intervene. It’s also concerning that security in the store was unable to assist that day. This is a point Tell MAMA will raise with ASDA in its contiuned support of A.

Victim statement:

The event has left me feeling sad, confused and truly afraid for the safety of myself and what my children may witness.

It was a major test of my faith, forcing me to question whether or not it is now safe to wear the hijab, and if I want my daughters to wear the hijab in the future.

As for my children, they did not understand why these people were being so mean to us. Sadly, I’ve had to explain to them that sometimes people will dislike you for being different. I’ve avoided telling them that we were targeted due to our skin colour and faith.

I cannot emphasise enough how much relief I have found from reporting to Tell MAMA. Talking to someone who cares to listen and knowing that I have done something to make people aware of the dangers we face has lifted a deep burden off my daily thoughts and provided some closure.

The reassurance that what happened was wrong and that I was within my rights to question it from the staff member alone has helped me move past this frightful ordeal.

Thank you Tell MAMA and to the Muslim woman who approached me, kissed my forehead, and gave me their contact details.

Without both, I don’t think I would have got the closure I required, or the courage to tell my children about the wrongs happening in the beautiful world we live in.


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Categories: ASDA, assault, Brexit, Go Home, hate crime, Hijab, McDonald's, News

Response to Dispatches ‘Racist Britain’ Programme Lifts the Soul

MAMA Racist Britain


Yesterday evening, Channel 4’s Dispatches aired the following programme, entitled ‘Racist Britain.’

The programme highlighted the racist and anti-Muslim hatred which blights the lives of some people who are targeted by perpetrators with openly racist and bigoted views. The programme provided an insight into bigoted activities in our country which deserve nothing but contempt and strong action from us all by challenging, condemning and reporting in the perpetrators.

During the course of the programme, staff at Tell MAMA received abusive and threatening phone calls from 8 pm to 9 pm and with threats and racist and anti-Muslim abuse being left on our voicemail messaging services. These were logged and sent to the police.

Yet, we also received some of the most beautiful messages from members of the public and we wanted to highlight just one of the many we received. There are many within our country who simply will not accept such hatred and intolerance and this story is in honour of the silent majority who go about their daily lives and who challenge and question the hatred of others in a desire to build a more integrated, harmonious and cohesive country.

Response from member of the public to Tell MAMA, 11/07/2016


Having just watched C4Dispatches, I am writing to TM from a different perspective in terms of prevailing perceptions.

I am white, English, public school educated and privileged. Now in my 60s, as I child I grew-up in Singapore. It was there that a lifelong enduring memory of honesty, decency, loyalty, and warmth of love was seeded. It was seeded by a humble taxi driver, ‘Osman’. Every school day for three years, unhesitatingly Osman ferried me to and from my school and my home in his taxi, of which he was exceedingly proud. He cared. He was generous of heart and action. He counselled. He joked. He laughed. He moaned. He was one of the most decent human beings I have known. He was also a proud Muslim. He had undertaken Hajj three times. He told me about his pilgrimage experiences. I was in awe as he regaled me of its time, distance, numbers and method. He always wore his faith, with pride. For many, many years after, Osman was, to me, the epitome of the Muslim faith. He still is. Osman died many years ago and when I found this out, I cried. The tears seared as they ran. Therefore, when today I witness the mayhem of hate, confusion, vitriol, bitterness, and loss, and when I see fingers pointing at the Muslim faith, I think of this humble taxi driver, and I know that as a representative of your faith, Osman is its truth and its reality. Society needs more ‘Osman’ – a subliminally respectful preacher and teacher, and a goodly, humble man.

This is my enduring impression of the Muslim faith. All should thank Osman.



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Categories: anti-Muslim hatred, Brexit, Channel 4, Eastern European, Opinions, Racist Britain, Rotherham, taxi drivers

Walsall halal butchers shop arson has ‘ruined’ lives



An arson attack at a halal butchers has left a family searching for answers.

On June 28, at about 5:20pm, fire ravaged the Kashmir Meat & Poultry shop in Pleck, Walsall. A relative contacted Tell MAMA for support and to share this story.

Minutes before the attack, the suspect had allegedly peered into the shop.

The first bottle spread flammable liquid over stock and hit the arm of a man in the shop. Within minutes, the store was alight. Owner Jamal Hussain put out the fire on the man’s arm with his bare hands.

Mr Hussain later confirmed to the Birmingham Mail that backroom staff had noticed the man had a petrol bomb. This allowed them time to call the fire brigade and safely leave the building.

In a statement to Tell MAMA, Mr Hussain said the fire was the ‘worst day of his life’ because it has ruined his livelihood. He worries that the person is still out there. Ramadan is usually a busy month for the business but it left him empty handed by Eid.

“Everything is totally finished and I’m in a state of utter shock and disbelief and my mind is totally unsettled,” he said.

For Mr Hussain, the Kashmir Meat & Poultry shop was not just a business, it was the main source of income to support his children.

There were hints of frustration with the progress of the police investigation. But West Midlands Police have assured Tell MAMA that they are treating the incident as extremely serious and investigations remain ongoing.

Contrary to online speculation, the building was not insured. The paperwork was hours from being finalised, according to a family source.

Others have responded to the devastating fire with acts of solidarity. Helena Dunnett-Orridge setup a crowdfunding page in support. In nine days, the page has raised £1,041.

In 9 days the page raised over £1,000 from 74 donors.

In 9 days the page raised over £1,000 from 74 donors.

The page hopes to contribute towards lost earnings and repairs. A stated aim of the page reads:

“We need to come together as a community and stand in solidarity with the victims of this attack, who were a part of our thriving Muslim community. We will not stand for these personalised crimes of terror, whatever their motivation.”

Walsall South MP Valerie Vaz has been in touch with the family to offer her support. Some locals have connected the arson to the post-Brexit backlash, others have not.

On July 1, West Midlands Police released CCTV footage of the suspect. According to Detective Inspector Greg Evans, a ‘positive line of enquiry’ suggests it was not a hate crime, yet investigators remain open-minded about the motive. The suspect is understood to be a white male  who wore a distinctive two-tone blue jacket.

Anyone with information is asked to call the Violent Crime Team at Wednesfield police station on the 101 number or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.


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Categories: arson, crime, halal butchers, News, Walsall, West Midlands Police

Anti-Muslim Hatred on Student Campuses

Hate graphics Birmingham


Higher education campuses are places of learning, social engagement and interaction. They are environments within which dissent, free thinking and dialogue are supposed to enhance the learning and life chances of young people. On occasions, they have also sadly been targeted for hatred and prejudice in a desire to send out a perverted and twisted message that Muslim and Jewish students are not welcome.

In January 2015, we received the following information of a Swastika and anti-Islamic comments being placed on the walls of student accommodation attached to the University of Birmingham. On an electrical pill-box, ‘kill Islam before it kills you’ was scrawled and the statement suggested that the individual was trying to bypass hate crime laws.

Hate graphics Birmingham

In March 2016, we reported on a Muslim female student who was part of the ‘Discover Islam Awareness’ week which is held by the King’s College London Islamic Society (ISoc).

Muslim women who were at the stand outside the Strand campus were there to try and break down misconceptions about Islam and to respond to questions members of the public may have around Islam and Muslims.  They were approached by two men who disrupted the stall and the activities of the women, leading to an assault on a Muslim woman, where her niqab was pulled.

In May 2016, Student Rights reported that racist Swastikas and ‘SS’ terminology appeared at Durham University where student accommodation and nearby boathouses were sprayed with these anti-Semitic symbols. Anti-Muslim graffiti was also found with the term ‘Muslim Monkey’ clearly visible.


 Photocredit: Student Rights

At the end of June 2016, anti-Muslim graffiti on banners regarding an Eid Prayer and festival were found by students at the University of Leicester in a public area. Eid was crossed out and with ‘Fuck Islam’ written on the banner and with swastikas across it.

Hate on Banner

A second banner advertising the Eid prayer festival in Victoria Park in the City of Leicester was also defaced as it was tied to local railings. It also hate a Swastika scrawled over it with the words “hate and lies”.

Hate Graphic Leicester (Banner)

We must maintain vigilance against such hatred on campuses, whether they are targeted at any specific group of students and given the fear and anxiety that such incidents cause. Given the rise in anti-Muslim and racist hate post Brexit, we would urge students to get in touch with us if they come across anti-Muslim hate on campus.

Note from the University of Leicester

“The University of Leicester deplores the incident of anti-Muslim hatred that occurred at a local park adjoining the University. The incident did not occur on the University campus and was not associated with the University in any way.”






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Categories: anti-Muslim hate, Brexit, Hate Crimes, King's College, Leicester University, Muslim students, News, Student campuses, University of Birmingham