Rabbi Wittenberg on at Al Noor Mosque and Linwood Mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand
“We stand with you in solidarity and sorrow.
Wherever we are in the world, whatever our faith and beliefs, we stand together with you as pilgrims on this earth, as fellow human beings striving to do what is compassionate and just, hoping to share with our loved ones, friends and fellow citizens the privileges and responsibilities of life.
We have no place for racism, hatred and supremacism.
We are appalled and disgusted at the premeditated racist murder of Muslim people, made even more brutal, blasphemous, hurtful and despicable because it was carried out in the sacred precincts of prayer, during the peaceful hour of worship.
We mourn the victims alongside you, children, teenagers, healers and teachers, heroes who tried to save others, people from different parts of the world, contributing to the civic life of Christchurch and New Zealand.
Our hearts are with the bereaved. Our prayers are with the wounded and traumatised, and with all those striving to heal and support them. Our anguished thoughts are with all whose family members are still missing.
We feel for Muslim communities across the world.
The oneness of God and the fellowship of our common humanity unite us. We must stand as surety for each other in times of threat and danger. We must act collectively against all forms of hatred and bigotry. We must foster friendship and understanding between us and all people. We must work together for the safety and good of all life everywhere.”
Written in sorrow
Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg
Senior Rabbi, Masorti Judaism
The post Rabbi Wittenberg on at Al Noor Mosque and Linwood Mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand appeared first on Faith Matters.
Categories: Al-Noor, Jews, Linwood Mosque, Masorti Synagogue, Opinions, Rabbi Wittenberg