Muslim woman told to ‘get out of the country’ by an abusive teenage boy
A Muslim woman was abused and told to ‘get out of this country’ by a teenage boy when out walking in London.
The woman was crossing a major road near a supermarket on June 14 when the incident occurred.
The perpetrator shouted, “F**king Muslim, get out of this country” at her, despite being on the phone at the time of the incident, the Muslim woman turned to the boy and replied: “Excuse me, this is my country as much as it’s yours”.
Tell MAMA reported the incident to the Metropolitan Police on her behalf for intelligence.
She also consented to have her story told anonymously.
The woman added that the perpetrator was with another boy of a similar age who said nothing, nor did he challenge the abuse, adding that he soon ran from the scene shouting further abuse which was unable to discern.
Our previous annual report found that over half of reports (54 per cent) offline constituted ‘abusive behaviour’. The abuse is verbal or non-verbal in spaces that occupy the day-to-day lives of Muslims, including public areas, on transport networks, in the workplace, or when out shopping.
Data published by the Home Office last year found that hate crimes are a disproportionate (89 per cent) issue of public order offences and violence against the person.
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Categories: News, verbal abuse, Xenophobia