Home Secretary’s Statement on Tackling Anti-Muslim Hatred

This is a statement from the Home Secretary, the Rt Hon Amber Rudd MP, to Tell MAMA on the issue of tackling anti-Muslim hatred.
“This Government is clear that hate crime of any kind, directed against any community, race or religion has absolutely no place in a diverse, open Britain that works for everyone.
For me as Home Secretary, the safety and security of our families, communities and country comes first.
There is no place in Britain for organisations that glorify violence and promote anti-Muslim hatred and antisemitism. That is why in December last year I took action to proscribe the racist, Neo Nazi group National Action.
And that is why in July 2016 I published my comprehensive new cross Government action plan to drive forward work to tackle hate crime.
Tell MAMA are a key partner in our work to address anti-Muslim hatred. They have developed initiatives to improve reporting of anti-Muslim hatred, provided training for those who support victims and produced reports on the drivers and impact of anti-Muslim hatred that have helped to inform Government policy.
We must all stand together and send a clear message that hate crime will not be tolerated. I am grateful for the support of organisations such as Tell MAMA for the work they continue to do to tackle hatred.”
The post Home Secretary’s Statement on Tackling Anti-Muslim Hatred appeared first on TELL MAMA.
Categories: Amber Rudd, anti-Muslim hatred, Fiyaz Mughal OBE, Hate Crimes, Home Secretary, National Action, News