A survey in partnership between Tell MAMA and ITV News revealed that of the 117 mosques surveyed, almost 90 per cent experienced anti-Muslim hate crimes in the previous 12 months.
The goal of the survey derived from the necessity of highlighting anti-Muslim hate crimes against mosques and worshippers is a trend that has not gone away. We decided to work with ITV News to showcase what mosques need to ensure their ongoing safety – anonymous or otherwise.
The important ITV News report highlighted that forms of abuse ranged from “threatening letters, acts of violence, and in one case, having faeces smeared across their walls.”
Speaking to ITV News, Tayyab Mohiuddin described the long-term impacts the dumping of a pig’s head on the roof of their mosque, had on congregants, adding, “Someone going to that extent, to pick up a pig’s head which is forbidden for Muslims. It’s the lowest you can go.”
The survey data publication follows the publishing our new report into a decade of anti-Muslim hate in the UK, and a doubling of cases reported to our service.
A closer look at survey responses from mosques targeted included cases of bacon thrown at their buildings, or in one example, at their entrance.
Graffiti and vandalism appeared in responses, including within prayer rooms or stones thrown at windows or broken windows. In one example, someone set fire to a bin outside the mosque.
The targeted abuse towards congregants appeared in some responses from mosques as others described one case of racist chanting to slurs of ‘paedo’ or ‘terrorist’.
Hate mail, including, as one mosque described, included an “Islamophobic, anti-refugee leaflet”, as other respondents spoke of an online component – with some receiving violent threats over email. Nor has the far-right threat diminished, with a few mosques describing agitations.
The threat increased around the holy month of Ramadan, with 29 mosques agreeing that they experienced more hate crime and abuse, as a vast majority of the examples cited included increased verbal abuse, harassment, and anti-social behaviour.
Of the 117 responses, thirty mosques reported hate crimes to the police, and of that figure, thirteen mosques received satisfactory outcomes or found those responsible, with similar numbers reporting that police had not found those responsible.
Almost one in 5 mosques surveyed hold sessions around hate crime and security throughout the year.
Just over a fifth of survey respondents had not applied for the government-funded protective security schemes for places of worship, as a small number of respondents (n=6) declared that they were ‘unsure’ how to apply, as four mosques had confirmed funding applications.
Faith institutions that have experienced a hate crime (religious and racial) or feel vulnerable to hate crime can apply online. Applicants can include evidence like police crime references and community impact statements from worshippers, including how they feel (think anecdotes or surveys).
Tell MAMA continues to provide support to applicants across all faiths and encourages those interested in applying but in need of further assistance to email info@tellmamauk.org
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Categories: hate crime, mosque, mosques, News